Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Scaffold Tower Sales: How to Buy the Right Scaffold

There are various types of scaffold towers available in the market. Before you go to buy the scaffold towers, you should have some ideas about the available scaffolds for sale. The scaffolds are available in various designs, shapes and metals. The following is a discussion on the various types of the scaffolds available for sale.

There are mainly three types of the scaffold towers available in the market such as steel scaffold towers, aluminium scaffold towers and fiberglass scaffold towers. These three types of the scaffolds have their own special characteristics. Knowing their features will help you make a decision.

Steel scaffold towers

The steel scaffold towers have been in use for many years. People have been using the steel scaffold towers mainly for heavy industrial duties. They are very sturdy and durable. So, if you want to use your scaffold towers for heavy industrial works, you should use the steel scaffold towers. You can use them for such purposes as the construction works, site maintenance etc. They are also cheaper than the other kinds of scaffold towers. One negative thing about the steel scaffold towers is that they are very heavy and difficult to move from one place to another. So, you will have to face difficulty, if you want to relocate your scaffold tower.

Aluminium scaffold tower

If you do not like the heavy steel scaffold tower, you can buy the aluminium scaffold tower. The metal aluminium is lighter than steel. So, the scaffold towers made of aluminium are lighter than the steel scaffold tower. Aluminium scaffold towers are available as the portable scaffold tower and the movable scaffold towers. The aluminium portable scaffold towers are easy to carry from one place to another. They are east to dismantle and set up. The aluminium movable scaffold towers bring even greater facilities for the users. They come with wheels. You will not have to dismantle and set up the movable scaffold tower each time you change the place of work. So, they save time and labour.

Fiberglass scaffold tower

If you want safety as well as easy to use functional scaffold towers, then you can buy the fiberglass scaffold towers. The fiberglass scaffold towers have several advantages over the steel and aluminium scaffold towers. Unlike the steel scaffold towers, it is very light. It is also safer than the aluminium scaffold towers. The metal fiberglass is inert and hence prevents electrocution. So, the fiberglass scaffold towers are not conductors of electricity. You should give preference to fiberglass scaffold towers, if the environment you work in is exposed to electricity. There are also two types of the fiberglass scaffold towers: the portable scaffold tower and the movable scaffold tower. Like the aluminium portable scaffold towers, you can easily carry the fiberglass scaffold towers. There are also fiberglass movable scaffold towers, which also come with wheels. Thus, if you want easy to use, safe scaffold towers; the fiberglass scaffold tower is right for you.

Thus, if you need scaffold towers, you can buy any of the above scaffold towers. If you know the advantages and disadvantages of the scaffold towers, it will help you make the right decision.


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