Saturday, September 5, 2009

Choosing the Right Ladder for Your Home

There are many different styles, materials and uses of ladders. With all the options out there, how do decide what is right for your home. In this article I will explain the advantages and disadvantages of several of the main ladder types, to help you make an informed buying decision for your home.

There are three materials in which most ladders are made from. Each of these materials offer specific benefits and will behave differently depending on the use. Aluminum Ladders made with Aluminum offer a lightweight and strong alternative to other ladder types. The benefits to this are obvious, allowing for transportation and use of the ladder with ease. The aluminum ladder is also resistant to most normal wear and tear gained by ladders made of other materials. Aluminum also does not need coating and will not crack like it’s wooden counterpart.

Wood Ladders The wood ladder is the traditional ladder type. Most wood ladders are made of a combination of hardwoods and softwoods, which result in a very strong ladder. Wood ladders also do not conduct electricity, so they can be used in places where aluminum ladders cannot.

Fiberglass Ladders Fiberglass ladders are the newest form of ladder. Fiberglass is a man-made material that, like wood, doesn’t conduct electricity when dry. Fiberglass is also a very dense material, and can be exposed to high temperatures for short periods of time without weakening and will generally regain its previous strength once removed from the heat. Fiberglass also doesn’t crack or rot such as wood when left outside in certain weather. One of the newest fiberglass ladder products is the little giant ladder system.

Ask yourself questions such as: Will I be doing a lot of ladder work outside? Will I be working near power lines? Will I have another person there to help me carry and setup the ladder? Once you answer these questions you can see what type of ladder lends itself to your specific needs. And always, if you are not sure how to safely use your ladder, make sure you consult an expert.

Aluminum Ladder

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